An Online Talk Featuring Sir Stanley Wells and Reverend Paul Edmondson

We proudly announce an online talk event featuring Sir Staneley Wells and Reverend Paul Edmondson:

Title of Talk: What Was Shakespeare Really Like?
Date and Time: 18th May 2024, 18:30-19:45 (JST)
Open to the Public,
Registration Required

Registration Link :

Sir Stanley Wells will discuss his most recent book, published from Cambridge University Press, with Reverend Paul Edmundson. They will delve into various aspects of Shakespeare's thoughts, tastes, and personal life, as well as how he produced works with enduring appeal and significance. One of the world's leading authorities in Shakespeare studies with a career that spans over sixty years, Sir Wells weighs in on the question of "how can we hope to know what" this dramatist who sought "to depict human-beings in real life situations" is really like?